Revise Your Estate Plan Road Map

Although it may not seem so initially, February could be the most critical month for estate planning.

First, it’s generally quieter compared to the holidays and the start of spring. Second, Valentine’s Day on the 14th reminds us of the power and importance of love. Given these factors, being prepared with an updated estate plan may ... CONTINUE READING

Weird Stories From World War II

World War II, the largest conflict in human history, saw millions of soldiers engaged in fierce battles across the globe, from the deserts of Tunisia and the muddy fields of Kursk to the streets of Singapore and the tropical atolls of the Marshall Islands. Some oddities go overlooked among the countless acts of heroism, savagery, desperation, stalemates, victories, and defeats. Bizarre events, characters, and plans that sound too outlandish to be true (but are!) prove reality is often stranger than fiction ... CONTINUE READING

Why Brando’s Housekeeper Sued His Estate

Marlon Brando, considered by many to be the greatest actor of the 20th century, appeared in timeless classics like “Apocalypse Now” (1979), where he played the villainous Colonel Kurtz, and “The Godfather” (1972), where he stole the screen as Don Vito Corleone, the soft-spoken and poignant mob boss. However, in stark contrast to his illustrious film career, after Brando’s passing in 2004, settling his estate — considered worth more than $25 million — was a ... CONTINUE READING

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